Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator

Use the below calculator to get an accurate Percentage:

Percentage Change

The percentage calculator is an easy & handy tool for calculating the change in percentages. To calculate this change in percentage we need to first understand the formula behind it & the concept used. We will provide you with all the essential knowledge about the percentage change calculation with the help of in-depth examples. Percentage change is a concept that is widely used in classrooms as well as the practical world. For example – discounts on products.


You should have knowledge of basic mathematic subtraction, addition, multiplication & division, i.e. +, -, x, /.

What is Percentage Change?

Percentage change is a method to compare 2 numbers in terms of percentage. We can calculate percentage increase or decrease with this method. This helps us to know how much deviation from one number to the second number has.

Steps to Calculate Percentage Change

Follow the steps below to Calculate the percentage change:

  1. Subtract Initial value (I) from Final value (F)
  2. Divide the result of ‘Step 1’ by the Initial value (I)
  3. Multiply the result of ‘Step 2’ by 100

Formula Used To Calculate Percentage Change:

The formula used to calculate percentage change is as below:-

(Final value (F) – Initial value (I) / Initial value (I)) x 100

Other Calculators:

Percentage Change Calculator

Percentage Increase Calculator

Percentage Decrease Calculator

Examples of percentage calculation:

Let us look at some examples of percentage change in both increasing & decreasing nature to get more clarity.

Example 1

Calculate the percentage change when the value of 60 becomes 100.


Here, we are given the following data:

  1. Initial value – 60
  2. Final value – 100

Now, as we can see that the value is increasing in nature so the formula for percentage change will become the same as the formula for percentage increase calculation.

Let us follow the Steps discussed earlier:

Step 1 – Final value – Initial value = 100 – 60 = 40

Step 2 – Result of ‘Step 1’ / Initial value = 40 / 60 = 0.66667

Step 3 – Result of ‘Step 2’ x 100 = 0.66667 x 100 = 66.667%

Therefore, in this case, the percentage change is 66.667% & the change is increasing in nature.

Example 2

Calculate the percentage change when the value of 75 becomes 25.


Here, we are given the following data:

  1. Initial value – 75
  2. Final value – 25

Now, as we can see that the value is decreasing in nature so the formula for percentage change will become the same as the formula for percentage decrease calculation.

Let us follow the Steps discussed earlier:

Step 1 – Final value – Initial value = 25 – 75 = -50

Step 2 – Result of ‘Step 1’ / Initial value = -50 / 75 = -0.66667

Step 3 – Result of ‘Step 2’ x 100 = -0.66667 x 100 = -66.667%

Therefore, in this case, the percentage change is -0.66667% & the change is decreasing in nature.